Frequently Asked Questions
Information about Journeying with PsilocybinInfo, Research, and Resources
Check out some studies about how Psilocybin has been used to support people to heal and grow.
What is the facilitation experience during the journey actually like?
How long does the experience last? How long would I be traveling for a journey experience?
What can I do now to maximize the potential of my experience?
What do people normally use psilocybin for?
Safe, Secure, Comfortable
De-Mystifying the Journey
We cater your journey to your desires/needs the best we can, but here are some answers to common questions that we hope will put your mind at ease…
The Clients
Who is Psilocybin for?
Psilocybin is a great tool for anyone ready to make a change in their life. You need not have a referral, recommendation, or diagnosis. You need not be an Oregon Resident. (Some of our clients travel from distant countries for their journeys.)
Many choose to come to this work because of:
* Anxiety/Depression/Stress
* Patterns of ruminating thoughts/self-doubt/fears
* A sense of feeling unfulfilled in life
* A memory or past experience that they can’t seem to let go of or reframe
* Or just a desire to journey inward and see what else is possible in their personal growth and evolution.
If you’re wondering if this is for you, or if now is the time, I invite you to a no-pressure, no-risk conversation where we can discuss what’s possible for you. See the booking link on any page of this website to find a time that works.
Who is Psilocybin NOT for?
There are a handful of factors that make a person not-legally allowed to journey in Oregon.
You may NOT journey if:
* You have taken Lithium within the last 30 days.
* You are currently having thoughts of causing harm to yourself or others.
* You have ever been diagnosed with or treated for active psychosis.
(The rules and regulations of the State of Oregon Health Authority are regularly updated. This is the current information as of this writing.)
Some factors we take into consideration, but may not preclude you from journeying:
* You are pregnant or breast-feeding.
* You have ever had an allergic reaction to consuming mushrooms.
* You are on medications that may be counter-indicated with Psilocybin.
* You have a history of having thoughts of causing harm to yourself or others.
I have often heard my clients say during their journeys that, “Everyone should do this.”
Here are a couple things that I am conscious of when speaking to a potential facilitation client:
*Are they curious about what’s possible and flexible if the journey doesn’t pan out exactly as they anticipate?
*Are they open to learning new tools, discovering deeper layers of themselves, and remembering what needs to be revealed?
*Are they willing to be an active participant in bringing their intention to life?
The Schedule
What's an average Journey Day Itinerary?
The average Journey Day would look like arriving at the service center around 9:30-10am, settling into your room, going over any last minute paperwork/questions/details, recentering on intentions, and then ingesting the mushrooms. (see Experience FAQ’s for more on dosage/methods of ingestion)
As soon as you take the mushrooms, the time will be recorded and depending on dose, you will be on your journey (and agreeing to remain at the service center with your facilitator) until the state required time is up.
Once you’ve reached your time requirement, you need not be ‘finished’. You and your facilitator are there until you feel complete with your journey and you both agree that it is safe to leave.
That is when you will follow your agreed upon transportation plan, which can look like a friend/family member picking you up, Jacqui (our retreat host) coming to get you, an Uber ride, or if you’re staying at the Inn nearby it would be a short half-block walk home. This would all be organized during your preparation sessions so there is no concern or question when the time comes.
How should I plan my travel around my Journey?
The ideal scenario is that you have at least one full day without travel before and after your journey.
An example itinerary could be: Monday travel, Tuesday In-Person Prep Session, Wednesday Journey, Thursday In-Person Integration, Friday travel home.
That being said, Ashland, Oregon has an abundance of amazing sights, shops, restaurants, culture, and experiences to offer and we highly suggest taking advantage of some of it if you’re making a long journey here.
See the Offerings Page for more info on Retreat Packages and Add-On services to expand upon your visit.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Experience
How does the journey go? What is the 'facilitation' experience like?
The OHA/OPS Licensure requires what they call a ‘Nondirective’ approach from Licensed Facilitators. This mean that you will not be guided, directed, or told what to do, think, experience during your Journey. That is a good thing.
While you won’t be lead or guided, you will be supported, kept safe, and you will have an attentive listener/sounding board, and confidant should your journey require it. During the preparation sessions leading up to your session, you will have ample time to be briefed on how the day will go, expand on your intentions, and harness a supportive mindset to bring with you on your Journey.
Clients often prefer to sit or lie down on the comfortable bed provided in the administration rooms while they journey. Some have more powerful experiences while wearing an eye mask, and others prefer not to wear one.
There will be gentle music, mostly non-lyrical. Songs that are hand-picked for their soothing, meditative, introspective, and transformation inspiring qualities.
Some prefer to have a light meal the morning of their journey while others take the traditional route of fasting. There is no right or wrong about what you choose to eat the morning of your journey but lighter, non-greasy, fresh foods are ideal if you decide to eat.
The intention of this kind of Journey is to ‘stay internal’ as much as possible. That being said, some clients prefer to share about their journey experience as it is happening, and others do not. All emotions, insights, and ideas are welcome. You will not be judged by your facilitator, and whatever comes up that needs to be shared or expressed is of course allowed. We are there to support you and you are welcome to express yourself.
Depending on the service center and depending on the day you may not be the only person journeying. With that in mind, it is nice to keep voices down and tread lightly when navigating hallways and communal spaces.
What if I need to use the restroom?
If you need to use the restroom, your facilitator will walk you there and wait for you outside. As many times as needed.
It’s not unusual for some to need to use the restroom relatively often in the early hours of their Journey.
We ask that you don’t lock the door while you’re in there, just in case something were to happen. We will remind you of that each time you need to go.
Should you remain in the restroom for a longer than expected period of time, we may knock just to check on you and make sure everything is alright.
Will I ever be alone during my Journey?
If your facilitator needs to use the restroom or take a break during your journey, someone from the service center staff will join you in your room for a few minutes until they return.
You will have a chance to meet the staff member before your journey begins so they are familiar and your facilitator will remind you of that process before your day begins.
Can I go outside during my Journey?
You are not allowed to leave the legal ‘administration’ area during your Journey. Some service centers, however, have managed to get some outside spaces included in their administration area.
I’m happy to report that Omnia Group Ashland, the service center I primarily work with, has a beautiful outdoor atrium/porch with a lovely garden that we are able to go outside and enjoy during your journey.
It is a shared space so we can’t stay out there for your entire journey, but it is a lovely experience nonetheless.
What to expect of the 'trip':
Every journey is different.
Some are challenging while others are ecstatic. Some feel like an inner-workout, while others experience a state of one-ness beyond their ego.
People often report interesting visuals, deep thoughts, and seeing their lives and past experiences through a new lens.
The Magic Facillitation “Trip Journal” goes into much more detail about common experiences and what can arise. Be sure you’re on our email list so you find out when the Trip Journal is released!
You can also go to the Research Section of this page to find some books, shows, and other resources that have more first-hand accounts.
How do we determine dosage?
You and your facilitator will discuss dose options with you during the preparation phase.
While the underground/recreational use of magic mushrooms has historically been quantified in grams, the controlled version is more delicately tested, and we discuss them in milligrams of actual psilocybin content.
The potency of psilocybin in a mushroom is dependent on not only the strain of mushroom you’re taking, but can also vary from batch to batch. The licensed labs go through rigorous testing processes to ensure that the dose you’re taking is exactly what it says. For example 1g of fruiting body mushroom of strain A could be 10mg of psilocybin, and strain B (or batch B) could be only 5mg of psilocybin.
Relative Dosage Research has determined this loose framework:
- >10 mg psilocybin – low dose
- 20-30 mg psilocybin – medium or standard dose
- 30-40 mg psilocybin – high dose
- 40 mg< psilocybin – very high dose
You are able to add a ‘Booster’ dose if desired, roughly an hour into your Journey. The choice to boost would be determined, agreed to in writing, and paid for before you ingest your initial dose. Should you opt not to take your booster, you would be reimbursed for it at the end of your Journey.
Taking a booster would restart the required session time once taken, and the time from then to the end of your journey would be relative to the total dose ingested including the intial and the booster dose.
For example: A 20mg dose would be a 4 hour minimum requirement. If one hour in, you took a 10mg booster, the clock would reset and you would now be in session for a minimum of 5 hours (30mg requirement) from the time you took the booster. Making the total session time more like 6 hours.
How will I be taking the mushrooms?
Depending on the service center and the stock they are carrying on the day of your journey, you could have the options of:
*Dried fruiting body mushrooms
*A homogenized powder to make into a tea
*Or capsules of homogenized powder
There are often different strains to choose from but no conclusive data to support different strains creating specifically different experiences during the journey.
Some prefer a Lemon Tek, which is simply adding lemon to the water or tea while you’re ingesting the mushrooms which helps to digest the psilocybin into psilocin and increase the bioavailability. There is research to support this as a way of maximizing the effects.
What will my facilitator be doing while I'm journeying?
This is a common question.
Your facilitator will be in ‘stand-by’ mode. If you are not actively in need of them they will likely be meditating with you, doodling, or holding space in a way that feels right to them.
If you need support they are right there to help. They might ask you questions, remind you to breathe, or (if you signed the consent form for supportive touch and ask them for it in the moment) be there to hold your hand.
Most of us are more than willing to take notes if you have something you want to be sure you remember.
Your facilitator will not be staring you down, waiting for you to do something, needing your attention, or bored. They will also not be scrolling their phones, or texting their friends. They are there to hold space for you and also give you space to have your process.
The Tools
What can I start doing now to get the most out of my journey?
There are 4 main practices that I recommend to all of my clients before their journey:
1. Practicing Breathwork: Slower breathing is a signal to your nervous system to regulate. This can be so powerful during your journey when you need it to calm or ground. Practicing it before you journey makes it more accessible as a practice in the moment.
2. Any Meditation you can get yourself to do: Quiet space is where new ideas and possibilities form. Meditation is also a way to calm your nervous system and prepare you to go deep during your sit. This could be just 5 minutes a day to get started and will make the meditation like setting of your journey feel that much more natural.
3. Visualizing or daydreaming about how you’d like things to change or evolve from your journey
4. Journaling – see our Trip Journal for an abundant list of prompts
See the Toolkit below for recommended apps and resources to support you in these practices.
See also the Research section below for books and shows that can increase your awareness of this work.
Toolkit for meditation, journaling, and breathing techniques:
These actions begin to lay a foundation of calm so that you can re-access a regulated nervous system more easily when you are in the journey.
This could be a variety of things:
1. Practice Breathwork – 4 seconds in & 4 seconds out (or Box Breathing: 4 seconds in, 4 seconds hold, 4 seconds out, 4 seconds hold, in, hold, out, hold.) A great app for breathwork practices and accountability is Othership
If it’s hard to fathom or imagine, then setting a 5-15 min timer and free-write Journaling about how great it will be and all the ways life will feel different after is also a great idea.
What if my mindset is not 'ideal' right now?
You are not the only one.
Many people turn to psilocbyin for this exact reason. Our mindsets are somewhat routine, meaning the ways we’ve been thinking are often the ways we will continue thinking until something disrupts that pattern, or we consciously choose to practice a new way of thinking.
Psilocybin is one way of disrupting our thought patterns so that we can create new ones.
In the preparation phase you will be encouraged to look at some of the ways you think, and begin imagining a more supportive mental operating system.
The most important thing to keep in mind when you’re going into a journey is to stay curious with what shows up. Curiosity is how we find the lesson/meaning/golden thread through what might be a challenging or ecstatic experience.
Sometimes the new awareness creates an immediate shift in how we function, and sometimes that awareness takes some practicing (and integration) to become the new normal. It’s valuable to know this going into your journey: It is not a cure-all. Your willingness to practice your new awareness and bring it into your everyday life is what creates a lasting shift.
Show me the Research!
Here are some relevant studies that convey the common benefits associated with a Psilocybin Journey.
How pyschedelics change the brain:
Re: Depression
Study on "Bad" trips:
Psychedelics and US Law
Mystical Type Experiences
Books, Movies, Shows
My Approach
While I value the conversation of consciousness and the concepts of spiritual growth above almost anything else, I am well-versed in meeting you where you are. Whether you need someone down-to-earth, someone to hold your hand through the darkness, or someone to witness your truth and hold you accountable to it, I’m here to support you.
I am passionate about helping my clients find ways to overcome what feels insurmountable, and use their minds and energy to change their lives into something that they feel enthusiastic about showing up for.
Most of all, I beat the drum of possibilities and hold the torch to light the way forward as my clients begin to practice believing that the change they desire can be actualized. We are multi-faceted, infinite beings and change is the only constant. We are designed to evolve.
I look forward to seeing if working together would be the right fit. Whatever happens, keep asking big questions and taking bold action because you are here for a reason.
To infinity and beyond,

How It Works
Schedule a Free 1:1
This is a place to get your questions answered! We will go over some pre-screening information and determine if working together is an ideal fit.
Choose Dates
If everything feels right, we’ll move forward to scheduling your journey day as well as the preparation session leading up to it.
Begin the Preparation Phase
We will have multiple sessions before you actually embark on your journey to cover all the details, set intentions, and make a plan.
Get the Magic Facilitation “Trip Journal”
Whether you choose to Journey with Magic Facilitation or you go another route, we created a robust preparation and integration journal for you to dig deep into your intentions for your journey, and then process it mindfully on the other side.
May the energy you put into this come back to you ten-fold…
Still Have Questions?

Can't wait to meet you!
Click the button below to get our first conversation scheduled and find out if this is an ideal collaboration:
Have you already had a journey and you're looking for integration support? This is the button for you: